Sunday, February 17, 2013

Easily Create Online Worksheets

This is the second post in the series on how to easily create online activities using the RICH internet applications from CLEAR at Michigan State University.

This post is concerning the program called "Worksheets".

To access "Worksheets" go to the RICH internet applications page and choose "Worksheets" from the pull down menu.

In this application you will have the ability to create multiple different worksheets including fill in the blank, short answer, matching and more. It is extremely useful for practice and for easily checking the work that students do during formative practice.

In the following worksheet the students do two things.

The first is a pronunciation activity for past tense verbs in the preterite. Students will hear a verb then be asked to record themselves saying it.

The second activity asks students to complete a sentence based upon a prompt. They will hear (and read) a prompt about the result of a competition or event. They will then have to finish a sentence basing their answer on the prompt given.

I love that these worksheets allow the students to speak.


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